One minor annoyance with the Surface keyboard is that the Control, Windows, and Alt keys are more narrow than the same keys on either the Sculpt or the Natural 4000 These three keys were made more narrow to accomodate the new Fn and Menu keys Overall, this a fantastic keyboard It's the best ergonomic keyboard Microsoft has ever made2 years ago I can't speak for the Surface keyboard but I've used Logitech, Microsoft, and Dell keyboards with my Mac without issue The only problem I've ever had was trying to hold "option" during startup to choose which OS to boot Sometimes it would recognize it, sometimes itI recently purchased the ergonomic surface keyboard however I can't get it to pair with my mac laptop Currently running OS Mojave 1014 I can see the keyboard in the bluetooth options, however it doesn't recognise it as a keyboard and asks me to type in a code The keyboard is not connected so I can't type in the code Best Keyboards For Microsoft Sur...